I consider myself fortunate to be at an age to view this new change. In my mid-forties, I am in touch with the millennials trying to make sense of this new world order and I have many friends who have arose from the peaceful madness of the 1960’s.

Even though I was born in late 1960’s, I am a great fan of the age. Yes, I love the Beatles, and all the alternative music of the era. George Harrison is one of my great mentors of peace, faith and love, yet this age came to a shocking end with the Vietnam War and the Manson murders. Will we ever reach that level of free love again?

I came of age during the 1980’s fearing the nuclear arms race between the US and the Soviet Union. I worried I had no future, until a miracle happened – the fall of the Berlin Wall and thus the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Peace was again possible in the world, and it came without any bloodshed. It really was a good time to be alive.

Today, we fear more chaos than ever – escalating wars, plagues, and worse – environmental disaster. Millennials are scared to death. Where is their future? Where is their miracle? How can we gain the love inspiration of the baby boomers, and the feelings of peace and freedom from generation X?

It is all about remembering our youth, no matter what our age. If all young-at-heart spirits unite with the gifts provided by their generation, if we connect with a single mission to save our world, then there is hope; there is a future. It takes remembering where you came from to figure out where you are going.