Can I use the same PDUs to renew more than one license?

Yes, if a teacher holds more than one type of teaching license. The PDUs taken through PSU will count towards their license requirements on all licensees. Everyone on a full license will have to complete at least some PDUs if they renew in 2013.

I have a masters degree and feel I don't need to complete PDUs, is this true?

For all renewals after January 1st, 2013, teachers must complete PDUs to maintain their license, regardless of employment status.

How many PDUs do teachers have to complete?

Half Time or more employees of a school district must complete 25 PDUs per year or a total of 75 PDUs for a 3 year license and 125 PDUs for a five-year license. 75 PDUs = 3.75 PSU Credit Hours 125 PDUs = 6.25 PSU Credit Hours If the teacher has substituted, or is retired or unemployed AND will renew their license in 2018, they will need to complete 25 PDUs or 1.25 Credits

What's the difference between a semester credit hour and a term credit hour?

Semester credit hours are worth 1.5 quarter credits.