Prepare Students for SBAC Testing


Students’ performance on state tests may be the concern that weighs heaviest on teachers today. This course will enable you to develop a full understanding of what the Smarter Balanced Assessment test entails and how to help your students perform successfully.

PEDU 9095 – 1, 2, or 4 Graduate-Level Semester Credits
(University of the Pacific charges $62.00 per credit above our fees)



SKU PEDU 9095 Category


Prepare Students Smarter Balance Test: Teacher’s Guide for Success

The Smarter Balanced Assessment is designed for all students, including students with disabilities and English language learners, not just mainstream, traditional students as they were designed in previous decades. Students must do things on the Smarter Balanced test that they were never expected to do on previous tests, or in the regular school day. They must explain their reasoning for the answers they give. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are measured. They must cite sources for the ideas they express. Students must type, sometimes short answers, sometimes full paragraphs, including students in third grade when the Smarter Balanced Assessment is first administered. In order for students to be successful on the Smarter Balanced Assessment, teachers must be informed and armed with tools and strategies to prepare them to show their full potential. This course provides these critical tools and strategies, along with anecdotal information about previous Smarter Balanced Test administrations that point out possible pitfalls and handy tips.


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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter