Is IQ Destiny?

A lot has been made of IQ. But how important is it? Not nearly as much as we once thought. Our view of human intelligence is far too narrow. It ignores a crucial range of multiple intelligence abilities. Mental dexterity is not the only measure of higher-order thinking. Self-awareness,…

How to Be a Better Mentor

The high-tech classroom is changing rapidly. To keep up, professional development, teacher coaching and mentoring will be critical to the success of tomorrow's teachers.   In "Demystifying Mentoring," Amy Gallo of the Harvard Business Review offers some useful do's and don'ts for……

Better Teaching Through Neuroscience

Are you back in the classroom this fall? It's a great time to rethink your teaching approach. There are some powerful insights emerging from brain science that will help you connect better with your students. Let's start with communication. Reciting long lists of vocabulary words without personal…

Poverty and Literacy

Unfortunately, not all students grow up in literature-rich environments.   In a recent study of language in varying socioeconomic settings researchers found that:   The average welfare child heard 616 words per hour. The working-class child, 1251 words per hour. The professional child…

How to Stop Bullies

The statistics about bullying are disturbing.14% of U.S. school children are considered bullies, according to one study. Another 18% are victims of these bullies.   Much of the taunting goes unnoticed, especially among girls. But many children go to school each day, terrified of the…